?> 제주대학교 국제교류본부
Korean Language Course
Admission Guide
Course Schedule
Photo Gallery
Online Application
Tuition Fees







Insurance Fee

 (6 months)

 ​Dormitory​ Fee

(4 months)




(400 hours)





(Without Food Expenses)


       All admitted students are subject to subscribe to the National Health Insurance from 2021.3.1. onwards.
Based on the exam after every 200hours/400hours of the course, students can move up to a higher level.
Total tuition fees include 2 main textbooks for one semester. However,
students are responsible for buying their own practice book and materials for afternoon classes.
One semester includes 2 field trips on Jeju Island.
Students are required to obtain health insurance and insurance fee depending on age and gender.
Insurance fees may vary so any remaining amount will be refunded or charged.
The Student Dormitory fee includes double room and meals (Breakfast & Dinner on weekdays and Breakfast,
Lunch & Dinner on weekends) for 6 months.

Tuition Reduction
10% reduction for students who register for their second semester
10% reduction for students who register with their brother/sisters, spouse or parents/children
50% reduction for students who are enrolled in JNU as an undergraduate or graduate student.
Application fee reduction for students who are enrolled in JNU as undergraduate or graduate course and who register for their second semester.
※ No double discounts.

Refund Rules
The application fee is not refunded.
For refund of tuition, you should submit the refund application and a copy of your bankbook to the Korean Language Course office.
If you are not able to get a visa after registration, you can apply for a full tuition refund by submitting the refund application.