2022학년도 전기(2차) 대학원 외국인 특별전형 합격자 등록금 납부 알림
(JNU Graduate, 2nd admission) Tuition Payment and Invoice Printout Period for New Students (spring semester, 2022)
1. 등록 기간 / Payment Period
- 2022. 1. 5. (수) ~ 2021. 1. 7. (금) 오후 5시
- January 5th (Wed) ~ January 7th (Fri) 5pm, 2022
2. 등록금 고지서 / Tuition Invoice
: 국제교류본부 아래의 웹사이트에서 출력 (고지서는 등록금 납부기간에만 출력 가능)
Print out the invoice from the website (https://dreamy.jejunu.ac.kr/ibsi/Result_Pass.jejunu) during the payment period and
transfer the fees until the deadline into applicant's virtual payment account on the bill. (NH Bank, Korea)
<Step 1>
<Step 2>
3. 등록금액 / Tuition Fees (2021. 1학기 기준)
(From the 2021 school year tuition standard, it is possible that there may be increase
from the 1st semester of 2022)
(단위: 원)/ (Unit: Korean Won)
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